Right now I'm cruising to my bowling league and I realized I forgot to post this up here: Yobeat put together a shirt for Nick to help him pay off his medical bills. I know what you're thinking Nick is a big time, hammer dropping, money making, pro snowboarder! He doesn't need my help! Well even with insurance those bills pile up in a big way! My girlfriend had to go to the E.R. and sit for 3 hours, get a catscan, part of an I.V.( they forgot to put it back in after the scan) finally to be told you bruised your guts pretty bad but you'll be fine. All that noise still cost a thousand dollars after insurance. BOLOGNA! Anyway I'd hate to see what Nick is looking at so that's why I'm buying one. The shirts are rad, and have some of his art on them. Check it out and if you can spare the change or need a new tshirt swoop one up!
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